Test Mode

Test mode is a crucial feature in Everfund that allows you to experiment with and validate your donation setup before going live. It's designed to help you test your donation portals, campaigns, and integrations in a safe environment.

Enabling Test Mode

There are two primary methods to activate test mode for your Everfund campaigns:

1. Embedded Script

For pre-production environments or test sites where you want test mode enabled by default, embed this script in your website’s code:

window.everfund_testmode = true;

2. Query String

To temporarily enable test mode on a live site, append this query string to your URL:


Example: https://yourcharity.org?everfundTestmode=true

Test Mode Features

When test mode is active, you’ll see:

  • A test mode toolbar at the bottom of your viewport
  • Options to test different locales and languages for your donation portals

Testing in the Everfund Dashboard

  • Test mode is always enabled for previewing donation portals and campaigns within the Everfund dashboard
  • To view test data, toggle “Test Mode” on in the dashboard settings
  • You can make test donations directly from the dashboard to validate your setup

Integrations and Test Mode

Many of Everfund’s integrations allow syncing of test donations. This helps you verify how donation data appears in your connected platforms. Enable this in each integration’s settings by selecting “Sync test data”.

Test Payment Information

Use these credentials to simulate donations in test mode:

  • Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
  • CVC: Any 3 digits
  • Expiration Date: Any future date

Email Notifications in Test Mode

Most email notifications work as they would in live mode, with some exceptions for recurring donations. The following emails are not sent for recurring test donations:

  • Installment receipts
  • Failed payment notifications
  • Recurring donation failure notices
  • Plan fulfillment notifications
  • Payment method expiration reminders

Remember, test mode is a powerful tool for ensuring your Everfund setup works perfectly before accepting real donations. Always thoroughly test your campaigns, donation portals, and integrations in this safe environment.

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